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Mayil eNews
April 2024

Dearest eNews readers,

Besides the new books in Dutch that will be coming out by the end of June, we have also started presales for a book translated in Polish, a heart-warming volume titled, "The Earth as Being" (Ziemia jako Istota / De Aarde als Wezen).

Even though this book was first published in 1997 and its messages originally date from between 1994 and 1996, it is still just as relevant today and, in my humble opinion, is becoming more relevant by the year. This is because Master Morya always spoke with a view on the future, in addition to, of course, saying many things that are timeless and universal.

In this newsletter you can read an excerpt from its first chapter. With regards from Marie

New publications

Master Morya

Meditation for the full moon of 24th April 2024:

Master Morya,

"Believe in the power of the light that is being sent, for no one who asks for enlightenment will remain in darkness. No one who asks to have contact will be left behind. There is always an encompassing energy in your life and thereby you will be able to understand things better. You are not alone in the renewal.

Do not despair and think that everything is going wrong when here or there things are difficult. No, a very great change is coming to your life and the main point is that you should open yourself to this change. This is not a time to sleep, it’s not the time to consider yourself less important than others but a time to come forward with your own existence and do things from out of your own being, from your heart.

Try to be clear for yourself, clear about what it is you want and how you want to live your life. Then a great force will come to you, because this force is being sent to you, which means that you can work with it and that you will be able to do different things than before.

You will see the change coming and see that it is a permanent change, but you have to dare to believe in it. The earth will teach this to you, because it is the earth that brings the change and it is through the earth that change happens. When you are able to love the earth you will be able to participate in its existence from out of that love which you feel for that very big earth."

  Morya — Rozważania, tom 1: Ziemia jako Istota

Master Morya

Geert Crevits, excerpt from “The Earth as Being” (Ziemia jako Istota / De Aarde als Wezen), chapter 1 ©

© Geert Crevits,,

Mayil eNews

Publisher's website:
- With each book, an image of the front and back covers of the book, general explanations, a selection of quotes and a view-PDF with the foreword, an excerpt from the book and the full table of contents.
- Easy online ordering directly from the publisher!
- About us: including the meaning of the name 'Mayil' and a timeline of our publishing house.

Be sure to go to "Ask Master Morya": a free online PICK A CARD feature

With a choice of no less than two online card sets with more than 400 cards in total!
* Online advice: for answers to all your questions
* Life Lessons: for personal advice without asking a question or, for example, as daily inspiration

Mayil eNews

Read more about Master Morya and the life story of Geert Crevits (with many photos and also testimonials).

A lot of wisdom to discover and apply in all kinds of ways:
- Introduction: 9 great principles from all the books of Master Morya
- Meditations (with 'Let fate choose')
- Question & answer
- Videos
- Full moon letters (also with a choose and select feature)

There is also a section on getting together with other readers, including meditations you can do together as a group, advice from Master Morya for groups and, if you should want to, explanations on how to start your own group.

Mayil eNews

A deeper sense of lifeSimplicityGod lives in your heartTrust in yourself


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* This newsletter was translated from Dutch and is also available in Polish and German.