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Mayil eNews
November 2023

Dearest eNews readers,

In the coming months we will be expanding the website again with even more of the beautiful, inspiring texts of Master Morya.

The 'Life Lessons' are wonderful excerpts that give you a small task, a practical insight, a deeply spiritual lesson or a message of trust. You simply intuitively pick one and you're good to go!

Some people say they would like to receive a 'daily thought', or something of the sort, from Master Morya, but I prefer knowing that not everyone receives the same thought on the same day, because although, to some extent, we all collectively experience some major developments together, on a more daily basis we generally need more individually measured advice, don't you agree?

You can find one of the coming new 'Life Lessons' below as a meditation for this month. It's a very practical one; be sure to take some time for it. It's not only an exercise in objective self-observation and self-knowledge, but also in gentleness and patience. A wonderful gift for yourself....

This month we posted a new "Question & answer" on the website - six interesting texts by Master Morya about war. Loving and enriching!

And there's more good news: the first step has been taken to the renewal of the French website. Have a look and tell all your French-speaking friends and acquaintances to be sure to be on the lookout for more inspiring texts and webpages that will be regularly appearing online in French. Regards from Marie

Meditation for the full moon of 27th November 2023:

Ask Master Morya

Becoming conscious of your actions

“Imagine, for instance, that you need to put something in order in your house and you take time out to do this - then you can observe yourself by looking at the way in which you try to put it in order.

You could do this by getting upset about everything, by starting to do something and then immediately dropping it and going on to something else, by running away from what you are doing and so forth. There are many different ways of doing something and yet you should be able to be yourself in this work. If you are running away from it you should be able to realize: ‘hey, I’ve been avoiding it.’ If you let go of what you are doing to start on something else, then know: ‘hey, I’ve been busy with this now for quite a while and haven’t even gone back to look at that other thing anymore.’ In this way you should realize what you are doing.

In this manner you become clearly conscious of your actions and you know what it means to go along with time. You don’t need to look so very far ahead, it’s about the project you are now working on; it’s about what you think you could do within a certain amount of time.

By making good use of your time a joy comes to you – when you know: ‘look, this is my plan, I’m going to do this and stick with it and I’m going to concentrate on it and work on it to the best of my ability.’

If you find that you are not succeeding then don’t be mad at yourself, but say: ‘Next time I’ll try to be more accurate or do it better,’ or be more relaxed about it or happier or whatever else. Realize that you should involve you thoughts, you should invest your thoughts in whatever you are doing.”

  Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven

Master Morya

Geert Crevits, translated quote from: 'Morya Wisdom', book 9: Abounding life - chapter 11: 'The earth is one of the links within a whole chain of evolutions' ©

This text can also be found on the website as one of Master Morya’s Life lessons

© Geert Crevits,,

Mayil eNews

New inside Question & Answer:
Six questions around war

Questions around war

Questions in this post:

* Which side should we choose?
* Why does war always fail?
* Why is such a mess being made of the earth?
* And what about those who perish?
* Does it help to pray for people in war? And how should I do this?
* All these wars, should they really concern me?
> Wisdom
> Question & answer
> Six questions around war

Mayil eNews

New website
and new subtitles in French

The French website was launched in the new layout this month. Amongst other things, you can read Geert’s life story there. en français

There are also two videos which have received French subtitles: The interview with Geert and a very useful and helpful meditation exercise by Marie Crevits about how to deal with overwhelming experiences.

French subtitles

Of course, these videos (and many more!) are also available with English subtitles! Check them out here.

Mayil eNews

Publisher's website:
- With each book, an image of the front and back covers of the book, general explanations, a selection of quotes and a view-PDF with the foreword, an excerpt from the book and the full table of contents.
- Easy online ordering directly from the publisher!
- About us: including the meaning of the name 'Mayil' and a timeline of our publishing house.

Be sure to go to "Ask Master Morya": a free online pick a card feature!

With a choice of no less than two online card sets with more than 400 cards in total!
* Online advice: for answers to all your questions
* Life Lessons: for personal advice without asking a question or, for example, as daily inspiration

Ask Master Morya

Mayil eNews

Read more about Master Morya and the life story of Geert Crevits (with many photos and also testimonials).

A lot of wisdom to discover and apply in all kinds of ways:
- Introduction: 9 great principles from all the books of Master Morya
- Meditations
- Question & answer
- Videos
- Full moon letters (with a choose and select feature)

There is also a section on getting together with other readers, including meditations you can do together as a group, advice from Master Morya for groups and, if you should want to, explanations on how to start your own group.

Mayil eNews

A deeper sense of lifeSimplicityGod lives in your heartTrust in yourself


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* This newsletter was translated from Dutch and is also available in Polish and German.